The Branches Fellowship
 "I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
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Calendar - Don't Miss Out!
March 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
July 2020
August 2020
September 2020
February 2020
​October 2020
January 2021
November 2020
December 2020

Children's Ministry
PreK - 5th grade

Fellowship, Food, Fun Crafts,
Music, Games, Worship   
Please join us 2 learn about God's Plan for you.

Transportation Available
But Jesus said, Suffer little children and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 19:14
Prayer Service @ Branches
 Thursday Nights 7:00-8:30pm 
Everyone Welcome
Prayer Service @ Branches
 Thursday Nights 7:00-8:30pm 
Everyone Welcome
Nursery Schedule
 Sep 06 - Missy
        13- Kelly
        20 - Lindsey
        27 - Heidi
J.A.M. Children's Ministry Schedule
10:30 am Sundays
Sep 06 - Bailey & Logan
       13 - Mattea & Jeremy
       20 - Lisa
       27 - Sylvia & Cyndi
Men's Bible Fellowship TBA

Ladies Bible Study 01/11/21

Ladies Bible Study 01/25/21
Men's Bible Fellowship TBA

Ladies Bible Study 12/07/20

Ladies Bible Study 12/21/20
Nursery Schedule
Jan 03 - Lindsey
        10 - Heidi
        17 - Bethany
        24 - Missy
        31 - Kelly
J.A.M. Children's Ministry Schedule
10:30 am Sundays
Jan 03 - Ozzie & Josh
       10 - Bailey & Logan
       17 - Mattea & Jeremy
       24 - Lisa
       31 - Sylvia & Cyndi
*Christ is the reason for the Season!*

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Hebrews 13:2
​ * Happy  *   *   *
 *  *  *  New *  *  
 *  *  *  *   Year!  *
Nursery Schedule
 Oct 04 - Bethany
        11 - Missy
        18 - Kelly
        25 - Lindsey
Nursery Schedule
 Nov 01 - Heidi
        08 - Bethany
        15 - Missy
        22 - Kelly
        29 - Lindsey
Nursery Schedule
 Dec 06 - Heidi
        13 - Bethany
        20 - Missy
        27 - Kelly
Nursery Schedule
Aug 02 - Missy
        09 - Kelly
        16 - Lindsey
        23 - Heidi
        30 - Bethany
Nursery Schedule
 Jun 07 - Lindsey
        14 - Heidi
        21 - Bethany
        28 - Missy
Nursery Schedule
 Jul  05 - Kelly
        12 - Lindsey
        19 - Heidi
        26 - Bethany
J.A.M. Children's Ministry Schedule
10:30 am Sundays
Oct 04 - Martina & Gary
       11 - Ozzie & Josh
       18 - Bailey & Logan
       25 - Mattea & Jeremy
J.A.M. Children's Ministry Schedule
10:30 am Sundays
Dec 06 - Mattea & Jeremy
       13 - Lisa
       20 - Sylvia & Cyndi
       27 - Martina & Gary
J.A.M. Children's Ministry Schedule
10:30 am Sundays
Jul  05 - Sylvia & Cyndi
       12 - Martina & Gary
       19 - Josh & Ozzie
       26 - Bailey & Logan
J.A.M. Children's Ministry Schedule
10:30 am Sundays
Jun 07 - Josh & Ozzie
       14 - Bailey & Logan
       21 - Mattea & Jeremy
       28 - Lisa
J.A.M. Children's Ministry Schedule
10:30 am Sundays
Nov 01 - Lisa
       08 - Sylvia & Cyndi
       15 - Martina & Gary
       22 - Ozzie & Josh
       29 - Bailey & Logan
J.A.M. Children's Ministry Schedule
10:30 am Sundays
Aug 02 - Mattea & Jeremy
        09 - Lisa
        16 - Sylvia & Cyndi
        23 - Martina & Gary
        30 - Ozzie & Josh
Men's Bible Fellowship TBA

Ladies Bible Study 11/09/20

Ladies Bible Study 11/23/20
Men's Bible Fellowship TBA

Ladies Bible Study 09/07/20

Ladies Bible Study 09/21/20
Men's Bible Fellowship TBA

Ladies Bible Study 10/12/20

Ladies Bible Study 10/26/20
Men's Bible Fellowship TBA

Ladies Bible Study 08/10/20

Ladies Bible Study 08/24/20
Men's Bible Fellowship TBA

Ladies Bible Study 07/13/20

Ladies Bible Study 07/278/20
Men's Bible Fellowship TBA

Ladies Bible Study 06/08/20

Ladies Bible Study 06/223/20
Father's Day June 21st
Independence Day 
July 4th!
*****Important Notice*****
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, J.A.M. and Nursery will not be held.
Worship Service is being held on Zoom @ 10:55 AM EST. Please join us at the address below.